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STOQ-Science,Theology and the Ontological Quest

Faith and reason are like two wings by which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth (Fides et Ratio, 1)


Events 2008/9

2009: Astronomy Year
Prof. Pietro A. Giustini In Memoriam

Symposium on:

400 Years since Sidereus Nuncius
by Galileo Galilei

With a Presentation of the New Edition of the Volume
Galileo Galilei
Sidereus Nuncius
Translation and Commentary by Pietro A. Giustini

February 26th 2009
Room Paolo VI
Pontificia Università Lateranense


Symposium Poster

PUL Research Group on:
A New Anthropology for the Third Millennium

Workshop on:

The Discovery of
the Mirror Neurons
in the Human Brain:
Phenomenological and Ontological

Leonardo Fogassi, Dept. of Neurosciences,
University of Parma, Italy
Angela Ales Bello, Patrizia Manganaro, Gianfranco Basti
Faculty of Philosophy, PUL

April 16th, 2008
Room Paolo VI

Faculty of Canon Law

March 5th, 2008
III Interdisciplinary Day on:
"Norms and Rules in the Life & in the Law"

In Collaboration With the Faculty of Philosophy
and the STOQ Project


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