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STOQ-Science,Theology and the Ontological Quest

Faith and reason are like two wings by which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth (Fides et Ratio, 1)


The Lateran University

The Lateran University


This is the web site of the STOQ III Project at the Lateran University:

You can visit each page of this web site...
  • For obtaining easily any useful information about the STOQ Study and Research Programs at the Lateran University
  • For downloading the available materials useful for your information, study and research
  • For contacting the professors of the STOQ Program at the Lateran University


50547 "Elements of Formal Ontology"

50547 "Elements of Formal Ontology"

The new lecture notes of the Course are available on site at the download/notes page

On Friday April 24th 2009 the Course 50547 "Elements of Formal Ontology" starts. The course is given by Prof. Nino B. Cocchiarella of the University of Indiana at Bloominghton, in collaboration with Prof. Gianfranco Basti of PUL. See Calendar for a detailed Course schedule.

50567 "Elements of Physical Cosmology"

50567 "Elements of Physical Cosmology"

The lecture notes of the Course are available on site at the download/notes page

On Monday February 23rd 2009 the Course 50567 "Elements of Physical Cosmology" starts. The course is given by Prof. Giorgio Palumbo, Director of the Dept. of Astrophysics of the State University of Bologna. See Calendar for a detailed Course schedule.

2009: Astronomy Year Celebrations at PUL
  • Symposium On: 1609-2009. 400 Years since "Sidereus Nuncius" by Galilei, Pontificia Università Lateranense, 26/2/2009.
    With a Presentation of the New Edition of the Italian Translation of the Sidereus Nuncius by Professor Pietro Giustini, PUL (In Memoriam) with updated bibliography on the Galileian Affair.
    Go to the page Events for the Symposium Announcement.
  • First Announcement of the PUL International Conference:
    1609-2009. From the Astrophysics Birth to the Evolutionary Cosmology. Science, Philosophy and Theology in Dialogue.
    Pontifical Lateran University, November 2009.
50566 "Elements of Physics I"

50566 "Elements of Physics I"

On Wendsday December 10th 2008 the Course 50566 "Elements of Physics I" starts. The course is given by Prof. Roberto Messi of the Dept. of Physics of the State Second University of Rome "Tor Vergata". See Calendar for a detailed Course schedule.

50546 "Elements of Intensional Logic I"

50546 "Elements of Intensional Logic I"

On Tuesday January 13th 2009 the Course 50546 "Elements of Intensional Logic I" starts. The course is given by Prof. Sergio Galvan of the Dept. of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Milan. See Calendar for a detailed Course schedule.